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Tracys LASIK Experience at Chu Vision Institute

Tracy has wanted to get LASIK for years and finally decided now is the time. As an actor for ScareTown, glasses would get in the way in the costumes. Luckily, she found Chu Vision and was able to get rid of her glasses for good! scroll down to read in Tracy’s words how much this experience meant to her.

person wearing mask and glasses holding a sign that says Last Day with Glasses

“I have nothing but good and high praises to say about Chu Vision, the short review is simple, if you or anyone you know has been considering getting any form of Lasik eye surgery; THIS is the place you want to get it at! If you’d like a more detailed review as to why, feel free to continue.

First off, Chu Vision sets the hospitality standard that ALL businesses should adopt, I felt welcomed instantly, I was heard and listened to by everyone I interacted with. Everyone on Dr. Chu’s team felt and seemed happy to work there and I can understand why.

The initial two hours of eye exams is thorough, free, and efficient. The team cycled me around with so many machines and ways to measure my eyes with every one wiping the areas beforehand to manage Covid prevention along with everyone wearing a mask, including you. I was not sitting around waiting for more than ten minutes, and whenever I was going through an eye exam everyone sanitized their hands first and there were at least two techs that did the same exam and looked at my eyes to make sure consistent reading and accuracy. Your eyes are one of a kind and can’t really be replaced and Chu Vision right away shows their value of your eyes with their practice.

When I finally had the pleasure to meet Dr. Chu myself he is instantly warm and friendly and has a presence of joy. He patiently listened to my story with empathy and care and never once did I feel like I was just some dollar bills to Dr. Chu or his team, I felt like a valued person and was treated as such and I continue to be treated as such even to the present day.

I have had glasses on since I was around twelve years old and up until 2022 my near vision had gotten to the point where I could really see clearly about a foot from my face, my dependence on glasses was enough for me that I wanted a change for the better since I had been interested in Lasik about a decade ago but waited until technological advances were made enough for me to feel confident in that. I wanted my life to change for the better, especially since I am going to fulfill a dream job as a scare actor working as Scream Town in Chaska MN this year after 400+ hours of putting together my dream costume for the job thanks to the encouragement of my significant other who I love very much.

Being able to share my dream with the Chu Vision team and having their support and enthusiasm is something I never experienced before in a professional setting like this, to have people around me rejoice and want me to succeed. Not wearing glasses in my costume would be one of the many benefits that this surgery would do to change my life for the better.

I honestly wasn’t expecting to be applicable to have the surgery because I was so near-sighted and it felt like my eyes get worse every year, thankfully I had a prescription from 2021 that I brought and when Dr. Chu informed me that I have “healthy beautiful eyes” and how I am applicable for all three surgeries I almost cried in joy and relief. My whole life I have felt like my eyes were a flaw, to have them be called “healthy and beautiful” really warmed my heart and expressed my appreciation.

Dr. Chu again, was patient and empathetic as I told my story and was joyful to be the messenger of good news to me and to be a part of changing my life for the better. He answered any and all of my questions and concerns, and he recommended that I get Lasik since the eyes heal faster and at the time I only had a couple of months before I would start working as Scream Town. I didn’t want my poor night vision to hinder my ability to perform as a scare actor so time was of the essence for my situation.

Dr. Chu and Tracy

I trusted Dr. Chu’s advice and was brought to Amy who was very clear, helpful, patient and supportive as the financial plan was set up which is very affordable and very much worth it! I had the day of my surgery set up for next week on August 11th 2022.

A couple days prior I was personally texted on my phone by two surgery nurses who made sure I understood the eye drop pick up prior to the surgery and to answer any and all of my questions and expressed empathy for my nervousness. I felt very cared for and personally valued to have their time attributed to my wellbeing, I’ve never experienced something like this before, Dr. Chu and his team is truly amazing!

On the day of my surgery I was prepped and consulted on the after care of my surgery, what to expect, I even held up a sign that said “last day I wear glasses” and had my picture taken which personalized and memorialized the life changing surgery I was about to experience. Not only that, but the nurses are so fun and friendly! Right away they loved my shark purse and the use of my word “jawesome” and I met another shark nerd nurse which was fun, I enjoyed taking a couple selfies with them and sharing my story and just having a small happy pre-surgery party of laughter and playful banter which was really fun! I never had that happen before.

They were very professional though, they did go through the rest of the preparation with the rest of the patients after me (since I was first in line to go). Another detail I noticed is the community that the nurses and the team overall seem to share together, the blue surgery caps were actually made from one of the nurses who sewed and they’re the most comfy caps you’ll every wear, with soft fabric and the elastic doesn’t squeeze your head too hard while being snug, this said nurse also sewed personalized nurse caps for the surgery team and it was just wonderful to see them praise their appreciation for her efforts, I was more than happy to add to that appreciation.

Not only that, but if you ask the surgery nurses for pictures of your eye being cut, they’ll give that to you which was really cool to receive.

For the surgery, I’ll just say that nothing prepares you for it; however the team is very professional, patient and knows what they’re doing. There is NO PAIN, the only discomfort is having your eye pried open and unable to close and blink. I admit I did freak out a little bit and having the Chu Vision mascot, the Lazor Gator stuffed animal to squish against my tummy during the procedure was very comforting, along with the blanket to make sure I was comfortable. Dr. Chu was very calm, assuring, patient, and the procedure was done within about five-ten minutes.

Right away my vision was a little blurry and I was slightly disoriented but I was escorted by a patient nurse who helped me off the table slowly and at my pace and despite how I felt going through the hallway having the nurses clap and congratulate me helped me feel a lot better at the bewildered experience I just had in surgery.

After that I had the pleasure to see Dr. Chu again which I wasn’t expecting, I appreciated it more because there were other patients behind me and yet Dr. Chu was having some personal time with me to make sure I was okay and to answer any questions and to examine my eyes to make sure the cornea flap was proper. I even got to take a picture with him which was really nice!

The next day for my eye exam, which is a requirement and I appreciate that they have a system. Once again, I was met with the warmth and hospitality and had two techs examine my eyes and conclude that I was healing well and to continue with my eye drops. I received a surprise gift which was so thoughtful and I wasn’t expecting that at all.

About a week later I received a printed picture of me with Dr. Chu on the day of my surgery and some of the nurses with encouraging comments in a card. Chu Vision is the gift that keeps on giving, I’m so thankful to them and I will continue to be for the rest of my life.

It’s been amazing to see the world in 20/20, and as an artist it’s even more so to see the world in full render mode. I usually go for walks and I got overwhelmed at all the details of the leaves and animals, noticing details I never saw before even with my glasses!

My recovery has been very quick, and as of now as I write this review on September 22, 2022, it is two days before I fulfill my childhood dream job with my dream costume at Scream Town. My night vision has gotten a lot better but I do still need time to heal as light sources at night still have the “halo effect” but it’s thankfully not to the point I can’t fulfill my dreams, I’m so excited!

Chu Vision and their team deserve all the praise they receive, they really are the top and best in my opinion when it comes to how to run a successful and enjoyable work environment. My life has changed for the better and I am so thankful to the Lord for helping me find Chu Vision and for meeting such wonderful people and Dr. Chu himself. I’m happy that I’m required to send a yearly eye exam to their clinic (if I don’t just go there for the exam myself at their clinic) so it will give me a reason to touch base with them and extend more thankfulness to them!

Thank you Chu Vision for being such a wonderful life changing experience and for the kindness, hospitality and joy that all of you have expressed and shared with me and are sharing with the rest of your patients! You have my Jawesome seal of approval and I will recommend anyone to your clinic who is interested in eye surgery, even if they’re out of state, I feel like the care and experience of your clinic is worth the travel. It will be my pleasure to scare you at Scream Town this year and for years to come!

Forever regards and praise,


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