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Melanies Implantable Contact Lens Procedure in Minneapolis

Melanie dealt with the struggles of poor vision her entire life. She looked into LASIK a few times and was never a candidate. Then she found Chu Vision Insitute and the Implantable Contact Lens. She is now able to dance and play with her kids in the pool with worry!


my name is Melanie Koval I’m 44 years old and about 32 days ago I had the ICL procedure performed in both eyes by dr. chu well my vision was really poor I had a really hard time seeing I started wearing glasses in 1983 when I was in third grade and my vision just got really bad very quickly so most of my life I have not been able to see without glasses or contacts as far as like dancing and owning the studio I mean I wore contacts usually 16 hours a day so I was able to see with them but it was just a huge hassle to wake up in the morning put them in my eyes are always dry they are uncomfortable most of the day and I work you know I have a family and I have a job where I work at night so by the end of the night you know I’ve been wearing them for 16 hours mat so dry when they were really uncomfortable I had tried to be a candidate for LASIK in the past I had tried twice and they told me I was not a candidate because my prescription was too high and my pupil size was also too large and I had just kind of given up hope I kind of thought well this is what it is I have to live with this and then over the past like six to eight months I just really I was just really tired of putting my contacts in and I just started thinking there has to be another option there has to be another option right and then I found dr. chu and I came in for my consult and from the moment I came in it was just a game changer the staff everybody here is incredible and knowledge they gave me like from the very first consultation was incredible and I knew like right then that day that there was another option for me yeah the day of the procedure it actually the things that they told me to expect they were like spot-on I came in for the procedure and the second I opened my eyes afterwards I couldn’t see perfectly which I anticipated but I opened my eyes and I could I could see you know I wasn’t fumbling for my glasses I could open my eyes and things were a little bit blurry because I had just had surgery but I could see and it was it was unbelievable the day after the ICL procedure when I came back in I get a little emotional talking about it because they had me do read the eye chart and I read it with no glasses or contacts and I burst into tears because I have never done that that I can in my life that I can remember the ICL procedure I mean literally I haven’t thought about my contacts or glasses for 32 days it’s I get up and I just go get ready so one of the things I’m most looking forward to is you know we go on vacation with my family every year and we love to go to Mexico and I always tell my daughters you know don’t splash me I don’t want to go under the water cuz it hurts my eyes I don’t want to lose my contacts and that was one of the first things my daughter’s said they were so excited they’re like mom can you can you go underwater with us now can we splash you can we dunk you in the pool and we leave in two weeks and I’m pretty excited I’m literally just gonna jump right in with them and I don’t have to worry about it anymore I would absolutely recommend the ICL procedure in fact I already have a friend who’s looking into it who has a really high prescription and the same boat as me and I’ve been telling everybody I know actually about it because it is unheard of it’s a little bit more uncommon and the ICL procedure literally it changed my life overnight I had a lot of glasses for some reason I never threw them away I kept them in my drawer and that was one of the craziest things when I took my glasses off the day of the procedure like I took them off and I knew I was never gonna put them back on again and it was a really surreal experience but then I did end up donating all of them here at the clinic and that felt really good too

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